To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the cause for which we fought; to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of the principles he loved, and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the south is presented to future generations.
Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee
The Sons of Confederate Veterans are the male descendants of the Soldiers and Sailors who fought for the Confederate States of America. We are a 501(c)(3) historic charity, and a group of patriotic Americans dedicated to defending the good name of the Southern Soldier and honoring American history. We fundamentally reject racism in all its forms and denounce the use of Confederate images as symbols of white supremacy or hatred. We are non-political, high-minded, and faithfully respect the Constitution of the United States of America. Our goal is to dutifully fulfil the charge given to us the Lt. General Steven Dill Lee.
The International Sons of Confederate Veterans are preserving the history and legacy of these heroes so that future generations can understand the motives that animated the Southern Cause.
Virginia Division is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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