April is Confederate History & Heritage Month
Several years ago, the Virginia Division SCV created a matching funds program to encourage all Virginia Division SCV Camps to promote the month through advertisements such as Radio Ads, Newspaper/Magazine Ads, Banners, Signage, Billboards, etc. (*See Section 8 of the Division Policies & Procedures Manual).
In 2025, this program provides up to $1,677.75 per Brigade for this purpose! Each Camp is eligible for reimbursement of up to 50% of what they spend after submitting receipts or invoices to support their expenditures. If any Brigade exceeds the $1,677.75 payout, the payout will be divided amongst the participating camps proportionally.
Receipts for a camp’s expenditures must be submitted to their respective Brigade Commanders, and the Brigade Commanders shall submit their APPROVED receipts to the Division Treasurer by June 1 for reimbursement.
The division has made available to the Camps four Radio Ads that can be downloaded HERE, and the Division will also have Banners and Yard Signs for sale (below). These Banners and Yard Signs will have a QR code on them that will direct the user to the division website,
The International Sons of Confederate Veterans are preserving the history and legacy of these heroes so that future generations can understand the motives that animated the Southern Cause.
Virginia Division is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Your donation may be tax deductible.
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