Not only do we need our State song back, we need our State back! No matter what the scallywags in Richmond proclaim, January is still the month to honor great Virginians like Generals Lee and Jackson.
As part of this year’s celebrations, I listened to a very talented and knowledgeable lady, Nora Brooks, while she spoke in the person of Anna Jackson the General’s widow. She told the story of his rise from orphan child to one of the greatest Generals the world has ever known. Thomas Jackson suffered much personal tragedy but continued with his own growth and service to his native Virginia. It was moving to hear her speak of sitting by his bedside listening to the clock tick off the last hours and moments of Jackson’s life. He gave everything including his left arm and eventually his life in defense of Virginia.
Today it is not just by chance that lies are used to topple statues of him and other American heroes like him. Jackson never owned slaves. He even founded a Sunday school class for Blacks that exist to this day. Now even VMI seeks to distance itself from him and his motto “You may be whatever you resolve to be.” In today’s world the self-made man is no longer to be emulated.
Just as the War was not exclusively about slavery, the rhetoric of today is completely false. Rich and powerful people are causing hate between the races to make themselves more rich and powerful. It is no less than Reconstruction Phase II.
If America does not get back to emulating real heroes and stop praising criminals, there may be no hope for our Country. It is up to us Southerners. We must lead America back to the Country given to us by the Founding Fathers. We must continue to fight on against overwhelming odds, just as our ancestors did.
Frank Earnest
Heritage Coordinator
Virginia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans
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The International Sons of Confederate Veterans are preserving the history and legacy of these heroes so that future generations can understand the motives that animated the Southern Cause.
Virginia Division is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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